JCDA Bylaw Change

Take Action

Attend the Jefferson County Commission meeting Thursday, March 20 and give public comment. Tell the commission to stay in its lane,

The other two amendments to §7-12 in the last 10 years.

In 2023 – amended and reenact §7-12-9 relating to allowing counties and municipalities the opportunity to jointly undertake economic development projects and to allow a pro-rata share in costs and revenues generated from said economic development projects.
In 2021 – amended and reenacted §7-12-5 relating to reimbursement of members of county and municipal development authorities; providing that a member of a county or municipal development authority may be reimbursed for certain necessary expenses in connection with his or her performance of certain other duties authorized by the authority; providing that such other duties and such reimbursement must first be approved by a vote of the authority with the member to be reimbursed being recused from voting on the question; and providing that the prohibition against certain public officers and officials with any voice, influence, or control with respect to certain contracts becoming pecuniarily interested in such contracts does not apply to certain members of a county or municipal development authority who receive certain reimbursements from such authority.
All other amendments to the part of the code relating to county development authorities since its enactment in 1986 were before 2016, and should have been incorporated into the JCDA by laws.